Latest News: Landlords to evict disruptive renters with 2 weeks notice
The most recent info, news, and insights on the UK property market for both tenants and landlords and everyone in between.
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We're back with another update on all the latest news in UK property!
Landlords to evict disruptive renters with just 2 weeks notice
According to government plans to combat antisocial behaviour, landlords will soon have additional authority to dismiss troublesome renters after giving them two weeks' notice.
The laws would apply to tenants who engage in loud music, drug usage, property damage, or arrears on rent.
The notice time for eviction on these grounds will be reduced from four weeks to a fortnight in all new private tenancy agreements, and language clearly prohibiting disruptive behaviour will be required in all such agreements.
In accordance with prime minister Rishi Sunak's action plan, landlords who list their properties for rent on the Airbnb website must also sign up for a new database that will help local authorities deal with complaints about unruly visitors. This comes amid worries that Airbnb visitors can disrupt peaceful or residential neighbourhoods.
The plan proposes the introduction of a new registration process that would provide councils the information to detect short-term lets in their regions, citing noise concerns, drunken behaviour, and disorderly conduct.
Local authorities might take action against visitors and owners if any short-term rental home turned out to be "problematic."
Due to the housing crisis, planning applications in England reach record lows.
According to statistics released this week by the levelling up department - that demonstrate the severity of the housing crisis in the country - planning applications in England have decreased to their lowest level in at least 16 years.
In 2022, the latest year for which the government has figures, local authorities got fewer requests to construct new structures or renovate existing ones than at any time prior to 2006.
For the first time in five years, rough sleeping is on the rise, and experts predict that the housing shortage will worsen in the years to come due to a dearth of new development applications.
The statistics support a recent House Builders Federation research that forecast England's housebuilding levels will soon decline to their lowest level since WW2.
UK house prices have fallen at their fastest annual rate since the aftermath of the financial crisis in 2009
Since the end of the financial crisis in 2009, UK home values have dropped at their quickest yearly rate. Nationwide experts have warned that this trend will be difficult to reverse anytime soon due to the pressure on household finances.
The Nationwide Building Society's house price index shows that from March of last year to March of this year, the typical property's price decreased by 3.1% to £257,122. In contrast, February saw an annual fall of 1.1%.
On a monthly basis, prices decreased as well, down 0.8% since February. It was the seventh consecutive monthly decrease, and prices are now 4.6% below their August peak, which was before Liz Truss' terrible mini-budget rattled the property market.
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